Why Earn the CMC® Designation?
In a profession with few objective benchmarks there is only one unquestioned credential: the CMC® designation. Those few who earn the right to call themselves Certified Management Consultants have attained what others aspire to – a higher level of management consulting.
As a CMC® and as a member of ICMC Philippines, you can increase your value as a professional, expand your network and showcase your expertise to your clients and prospects. In addition, you’ll gain the following benefits:
Global Recognition
The skills that a consultant develops in the process of attaining a CMC® designation are applicable in every area of the management consulting profession, in every part of the globe. A CMC® designation earned in Philippines is recognized as a global credential in all countries that comprise the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI). This will provide you with the edge you need to secure profitable local and global opportunities.
Greater Knowledge
Develop your skills. ICMC Philippines’ quality training programs provide access to an extensive knowledge base and will help you refine the essential components of the consulting process.
Added Professionalism
The CMC® designation signifies peer accreditation, and is recognized nationally and internationally. And, your initiative in continuing to develop your professional skills and willingness to adhere to a rigorous Code of Ethics demonstrate a commitment to the profession.
More Connections
Extend your capabilities and reach by building associate relationships and business partnerships. As a CMC®, you have access to a network of qualified peers to test ideas and share approaches. You can further these relationships to better the profession by mentoring others, and growing professionally through insights from consultants who have ‘been there and done that.’