CMC® and Your Organization

When your situation stops being ‘business as usual’, you may need help in finding the most effective solution. The expertise that enables you to respond to unique opportunities, or deal with issues that are keeping your business from realizing its full potential, often falls outside your management team’s core set of responsibilities.

Certified Management Consultants (CMCs) brings a learned, objective viewpoint and a focused skill set to the task of recognizing and resolving these types of challenges. Furthermore, they can apply these skills to your business for however short a time is required. This has the dual benefit of making a CMC® less costly to engage than a full-time employee and more focused than your own people could be without diverting them from their main responsibilities.

CMCs approach each situation with an open mind and a structured diagnostic process which considers all aspects of the business: strategy, marketing and sales; product development and engineering; operations and order fulfillment; staff development and management; and finance and administration.

They are able to get past the organization’s top-of-mind problems, identify the underlying causes and help management understand solutions. They also learn the capabilities and limitations of the people involved and ensure that the priorities established and action plans developed take them into account. They ensure managers understand the need to aggressively implement these plans and help them establish a process to do so.

CMCs provide professional services that complement your team’s skills so they can continue to concentrate on their core competencies as you resolve issues and refine your business practices.