ICMC Philippines’ Professional Learning
Professional learning underlies ICMC Philippines’ mission to promote excellence and ethics in management consulting. The Institute is focused on improving the skills and expanding the networks of its members. ICMC Philippines helps members to:
Get Smart!
Professional development is a key to building a successful practice. ICMC Philippines members can take advantage of a wide range of programs and activities to get smart and develop more practice savvy.
Get Known!
Build a network of professional colleagues and increase your standing in the profession. Expand your sources of and resources for business! ICMC Philippines members can take advantage of many opportunities to become known, build their network, and make friends.
Get Business!
Establish yourself as an experienced and ethical professional. ICMC Philippines members not only learn from each other, but also benefit from a powerful association of highly experienced professionals that promotes consulting best practices, and ethics that promote opportunities for you to get business.