Consultapalooza: con•sul•ta•pa•loo•za
Pronunciation: \ kən-‘səlt-tə-pə-‘lü-zə\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Definition: A bi-monthly (twice a month) telecast series (delivered live and also available for download as an mp3) developed as a benefit to both Institute of Management Consultants USA and Institute of Certified Management Consultants in the Philippines members. It featuring topics from marketing, publishing, branding and publishing to operations, careers, skills development and everything in between.


The Consultapalooza telecasts are one-hour interviews with David Goldsmith of MetaMatrix Consulting (above left) of leaders in the consulting profession. Recent interviews have been with:

  • Mike Bosworth, author of Customer Centric Selling – "Consulting is Recession Proof if You Have the Right Mindset"
  • Jim Rodgers, author of Managing Differently – "Facilitating Difficult Conversations"
  • Robert Schaffer, author of Rapid Results – "A Consultant's Mantra for Tough Times – We Must Deliver Client Results, Not Just Install Our Products"
  • Jagdish Sheth, author of Chindia Rising – "How to Be a Trusted Advisor Globally"
  • Jill Konrath, expert on Selling to Big Companies – "The Art of Using Other People's Databases to Grow Your Company"
  • Mike Schultz, Publisher of RainToday – "Build Up Your Brand in a Downturn"
  • Christopher Rollyson, Founder at The Executive's Guide To LinkedIn – "Converting LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter into Business You Can Put Into the Bank"
  • Katherine Radeka, Owner, Whittier Consulting Group – "What You Need to Know About Product Development to Grow Your Business"
  • Peter Block, author of Flawless Consulting – "Changing the Story is the Work of Consulting"
  • Jim Keyes, CEO of Blockbuster – "Adapt or Die – Managing Change in Turbulent Times"
  • Bill Novelli, former CEO of AARP – "Insights Into the Mind of a CEO"
  • Alan Weiss, Author of Million Dollar Consultant – "Best Thinking on Consulting in 2010"
  • Ziad Khoury – "Developing a Scalable, Highly Profitable Consulting Practice"
  • Vicki Sullivan – "Build a High-Fee Brand When You Are Not Famous"
  • Eileen Campbell – "Leading an Insight Driven Enterprise"
  • Mike Critelli – "How Does Health and Well Being Drive Economic and Shareholder Value in a Business?"
  • Howard Putnam – "What Business is Your Client Really In?"
  • Doug Lattner – Deloitte Consulting: From Fragile to Formidable"
  • Geoff Bellman – "Creating Extraordinary Teams in Client Organizations"
  • Nicole Gagnon – "Getting to Guru: The PR Path to Thought Leadership"

For access to audio and notes of these and more,click here.

This is free service to IMC USA and ICMC Philippines members but we encourage you to register. Registrants will get receive an email prior to each session with call in dates, times and telephone numbers.

If you think others would get value from the program, send them the link to the IMC Online Store Consultapalooza item and they can sign up for just $97.00 per year.