
The ICMC Common Body of Knowledge

The Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) is about knowledge and the associated learning. It is not a framework for determining competency. This is addressed by the competency framework, the description of which is contained in the body of knowledge. Knowledge and learning are the inputs in a process which results in competency, which is the output of outcomes based learning. Competency focuses on behaviour and outcomes and the body of knowledge is used as an input to the process of curriculum development and learning / qualifications. The ICMCI focuses its certification processes on behaviour / competence and not knowledge alone. This does not imply that knowledge is not embedded in competency. In fact the opposite is true, but the relationship is more complex. Competence implies acquired knowledge and a complex interrelationship between the various components of knowledge and competency, especially those which fall under the title ACT – acting, communicating and thinking like a management consultant.

  • Professionalism and ethics
  • The consulting process
  • Interacting with clients
  • General knowledge of management processes and functions
  • Underlying understanding of PESTLE
  • Depth in specialist technical/professional skills
  • Personal and interpersonal attributes of a management consultant
  • Effectiveness in consulting
  • Stages of excellence
  • Consulting techniques and methods

Requirements leading to the CMC® designation (such as the engagement summaries and oral examination) are based on the Certified Management Consultant Competency Profile.